"If you are an overeducated (or at least a semi-overeducated) youngish person with a sleep disorder and a surfeit of opinions, the thing to do, after all, is to start a blog." NYT, 09.12.05

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Irrepairable damage

The washing machine ate one of my favorite shirts. Literally, the side was shredded beyond mending. It got caught between the rotating mechanism and the wall. Not a good combination... So much for trying to save money and stuffing more clothes in the washing machine. This is on top of losing one of my two favorite scarves earlier this morning. Not a good day for clothes.

On a positive note, I did find a polo shirt online that may serve as a replacement; Kelly and I also found cute flip flops on sale as well.

Earlier today, someone facetiously said, "Who ever said that 'Money doesn't bring happiness' never saw me shopping." Maybe there's some truth in that statement. However, is it really that the material good brings happiness? Many will argue that it cannot. Yet even if the material good brings momentary happiness, is that not enough sometimes? Aren't there times where you just need to do something different and forget about the stark realities in life? Or is that only relegated to the movies and alcohol?

The other night I had an interesting discussion about "making a difference" versus "saving the world." Everyone makes a difference in the world. Whether it is positive or negative is up to the individual (or the subsequenct historians). One interesting point that came up was about "the world" component. Saving the world does not involve the entire globe. It may be one community. Or could it be one individal? How much sacrifice should it take? How much sacrifice does it take?

In other notes, I've been enjoying the Central West End of St. Louis. Dinner, movie, shopping, party, ice cream, and long walks. Walking across town to Clayon, MO was very nice and very warm this morning on my way to church. An hour later and having picked up very pink cheeks, it was very nice to be there. Well worth the walk.

I also dumped almost a third of the rice I cooked into a dirty sink.

There are some days that are worth forgetting.

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