"If you are an overeducated (or at least a semi-overeducated) youngish person with a sleep disorder and a surfeit of opinions, the thing to do, after all, is to start a blog." NYT, 09.12.05

Friday, June 17, 2005

great events

Settling into a comfortable routine here in St. Louis. Sometimes I pretend that my life is excruciatingly boring. I work in a lab for approximately eight hours per day. I buy only healthy foods and eat a peanut butter sandwich every day for lunch. I come home and read the NY Times and some journal articles and then fall asleep, only to repeat the timetable all over again.

However, then I realize that I'm really content and happy with the happenings of my life. Just tonight, I had a great dinner of light Asian appetizers in the Central West End followed by a trip to the cutest independent bookstore. Left Bank Books is apparently the only independent full-scale bookstore in St. Louis. It gives claim to offering every book in print, an art gallery with local artists, and a generally liberal, progressive feel.

The first time that I was at Left Bank Books, I almost got lost reading a used book about obscure women scientists. Today, Kar and I went to pre-order the Harry Potter book and find out details for the store's street party on July 15th. And we discovered that David Sedaris is giving a reading/talk/book signing on Tuesday evening!

Right now, I don't know why I'm considering dual degree programs when I don't know if I can picture myself running a alb. I don't know that even if I do earn a PhD whether this degree is even going to be in the biomedical sciences.

I just know that I love being able to be excited about the small events that come across my path. Like a book reading.

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