"If you are an overeducated (or at least a semi-overeducated) youngish person with a sleep disorder and a surfeit of opinions, the thing to do, after all, is to start a blog." NYT, 09.12.05

Monday, April 24, 2006

a liberal education

A friend of mine is interviewing in DC this week. She has a new spring suit, new shoes, tasteful jewelry, a modest briefcase, and multiple copies of her resume. She’s conducted two practice interviews, one with our career counseling center and one with friends with varying degrees of interview experience. We spent last night brainstorming the little details: how to take public transportation (viz. buses), merits of carry-on luggage, and checking whether the hotel had an ironing board.

What amazed me last night and has amazed me since I came to college, are the number of small “life skills” that my friends and I do not know. My friend’s new suit? The pants needed to be hemmed, and out of the four 22-year-old girls, only I knew how to hem. Making a flippant remark about the fact that it’s one of those life skills like sewing buttons, I was slightly taken aback that my roommate doesn’t really sew buttons. Yet she knits!

I confess, I was clueless about car care two years ago. I still am clueless. It took me two months, three conversations, and two phone calls to determine that my front wheels needed to be balanced and that my sister can throw away the old windshield wipers. Do I know what to look for when I look under the hood? I’ll take the 5th on that one.

We are talented thoughtful writers who can discuss political philosophy, quantum mechanics, narrative theory, and ecological population shifts. We can cook, do laundry, and clean a house to varying extents. Do we know how to network and how to do an informational interview? Do we feel that it is possible to live on less than $20,000 per year in a large East Coast City? Increasingly, our parents will support us in a monetary fashion after we graduate. I will still call my mom for tips when I spill red wine on white pants. I will call my stepdad and my dad when I don’t know how to check what kind of light I need for the door light. And I will ask my friends when I don’t know what I’m forgetting to do.

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