"If you are an overeducated (or at least a semi-overeducated) youngish person with a sleep disorder and a surfeit of opinions, the thing to do, after all, is to start a blog." NYT, 09.12.05

Friday, September 30, 2005

KB Squared-- the inside scoop

What possessed me to reduce my relationship to Karly to a world shared by others? Three recent examples:

1. Writing about her in essays. For example, "My identical twin and I fueled each other’s desire to compete as individuals but serve as members of a greater community."

Note: this has also meant discussing this content to OTHER PEOPLE, viz. professors. This has also meant that details of our lives have gone public. Apparently, we share the trait of making our personal statement not personal enough....

2. Watching how we speak when others are around. Apparently, twin speak is classified as a foreign language to some.

3. Agreeing to be on an admissions panel in a few weeks to discuss having a sibling on campus. Both of us are inexplicably on this panel, so it will be like cross-talk on cnn. a "discussion" with 20-20 hindsight.

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