"If you are an overeducated (or at least a semi-overeducated) youngish person with a sleep disorder and a surfeit of opinions, the thing to do, after all, is to start a blog." NYT, 09.12.05

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Science and Politics

Coming over to Ireland, I read about Northern Ireland and the proposed power-sharing agreement between the DUP and Sinn Fein. It seemed plausible yet ridden with potential roadblocks and dependent on "if this, then that" actions. In light of the St. Andrews Agreement, people seem encouraged that the Belfast Agreement will finally reach its goals. The recent news about Ian Paisley and the DUP is a necessary step before March.

It seems to be when I least expect it that I hear people's thoughts on Northern Ireland, the Republic, and the St. Andrews Agreement. It might be over drinks or just a conversation that centers around science and moves to politics and back to science. Yet maybe that's why it is more interesting nonetheless. All comments are paraphrased from memory:
  • We are one island, we should just be united. Great Britain is its own entity. But I don't really care about politics.
  • Growing up the Troubles were going on. But it never really affected the Republic. You knew it was occurring it and accepted it.
  • The local IRA was in control (esp rural areas) and had more power than the local police. Now the local police is having more power.
  • You can barely tell when you cross the border. Signs may look different. But I doubt that we'll be united, but that may not be so important. What is important is to have more connections built between the North and the South.
  • Clinton is a hero in Ireland.
I have so many questions for the Mitchells up in the North. Yet I find myself questioning their experiences- have you spoken with a diverse population? Experiences at a debate, were these representative of the majority or just those who are passionate about the issue? Acts of violence? Where? Who is involved? Maybe it's my background of having experimental controls and understanding parameters of a "result" but I feel like I need more information.

Yet I also acknowledge that my experiences have been limited, particularly with whom I have talked about "the Troubles." I want to keep listening to others' opinions. Not sure where it will lead, but it should be interesting to watch the news unfold in the next few months.